Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Under Construction

The last few months we've done a lot of holding of babies, and hammers.  As mentioned earlier we moved into our house only three days before the babe was born.  we've been been doing a lot of renovating... this house had been stuck in the 70s for way too long.  Walls coming up, walls coming down... paneling coming down, drywall going up... carpet coming out, wood floors going in.  Still a lot of work before winter hits, but we're making progress. 


Pfingston said...

which room is this one? I don't even recognize it!

Brittney Harmon said...

the one you guys were staying in... that back wall is the stairs :o)

Kate said...

huh. i don't think i went in there, i was too busy almost dying on your stairs ;-)

Kate said...

but i'm excited to see it!

Katie said...

some day I will see it!!! :)