Thursday, September 15, 2011

A whole new kind of art.

I'm seeing evidence of fall all over these parts.  I have to admit I am NOT ready, I love summer.  My parents gave me a tree for my birthday, though, a maple.  It makes my heart happy.  Seriously, I've never had a tree that turns anything but brown before the leaves fall to the ground. It's making the transition into winter almost exciting.

I looked outside this morning and thought "all of that beauty is just falling to the ground I want to save some of it". (dramatic? Yes! but true) That led me to a hole new world of art. The girls and I collected a few leaves and flattened them in a book... soon, very soon, we'll be pulling them to try out some yummy fall art.  


Kate said...

yayayayay! that means it's almost time for my autumn visit :-)

Brittney Harmon said...

HAPPY DAY! we're free this weekend :o)

Katie said...

Have fun!!

Slim Black Leather Jacket said...

I like this color of the leaf and this red maybe me feel so comfort, hope my White Pointed Toe Stilettos in can also share the same feeling with yours!